Monday, July 23, 2007


Donut....stereotype fav food of police officer, type. Suddenly i have a craving for donuts. I havent eaten a donut for ...a while and suddenly there's this craze for donut around me. There's one at raffles, city hall. Even dunkin donuts are in competition without an actual retail store with their weekly online delivery. I wonder if the online order is thought by the company or someone taking advantage of the craze to make some extra cash, because the price is similar to other donut, when we know dunkin donut at other country cost a fraction of that. I wonder ..... any way the idea is a good, but without enough hip, it might not last but then again, they dont need to pay rent, just trucks of donut delivered to a pickup place every week and a website fee.
Well i guess i'm gonna try what made the craze. I hope it wouldnt taste like or krispy kreme, both tasted roughly same where one is sweeter than other, but the after taste is really same. I wonder if they both use same
It started to rain again this week, and seems like there's mosquito outbreak. Hope i wont catch dengue. Although the number of dengue case is smaller than other country but if compared to total pop, it's pretty high, some of them even caught it multiple time ! 2-3. I wonder why they dont try to reduce aedes type like what they did with flies or made them nearly extinct. I know it's a horrible idea to made a species extinct but does the aedes type really useful for environment ?i thought they only leech from other, maybe the male is....well i'll wiki it when i have the chance.
That's all today..
man at this post might be next month

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