Friday, February 2, 2007

My first toned down rant..

My first blog at last....
after so many months of blogging intent, i actually start blogging today. Wonder why....
well now that i have one, .........................
i'm stuped, totally stuped of what could i possibly put in this blog. I guess i'm a noob blogger......
oh well since i just bought a couple of books and read some let me write something about them....
on the second thought ..'write something about one of them'...
Have anyone watch/read anything related to Dresden ?
Watch a nice horror/fantasy/mystery private-eye/wizard story called The Dresden Files <> or
Read one of Dresden book???
I did, i watch episode 101 and read book 1 'Storm Front'.
I want to write something about the book.
The story is about the only professional white wizard in Chicago (not going to elaborate much on that since it's been done on wiki).
The story is pretty interesting, it engaged me to keep reading from start to end. Whereas usually i wouln't start engaged not before reaching the good part of a story (action, problem, climax, etc).
I really like the book plus with tv show, it became so much easier to imagine while reading.
But then, i usually like most of the book i read till finish, the difficult part is getting me to start reading again. I guess i'm those called old fashioned reader, only read what's known or what i'm comfortable with. I hardly tried new books from other writers even if they are super famous or so.
Oh well i think i'm out of words.... in sum, Dresden book 1 is good can't wait to get my hand on 2nd one.

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