Saturday, February 3, 2007

Second toned down rant: another day

Another day....and here i'm 2nd post. I think i'm still hip about this blog thingy.
Home is flooded again. It's said the flood is 5 years cycle thing. Kinda sad, that i cant be there helping them moving things to higher ground.
I remember my first flood, during final exams. Had to study under candle light, but luckily they were cancelled. Even when they resumed, i had to balanced my self on chairs to get to the school's 2nd level.
(Reminiscing the past, i felt like a grumpy old man now)
Flood is always a bad thing, disrupt economy. Destroy things, makes buildings a little unsightly when water sep through the wall and leave its watermark, which can't be removed/washed unless with another coat of paint. Plus the flood stinks.
Rats swimming. Stray animals drowned.................. and thus................................
I remember after the first flood, there had been less stray cats meowing and lurking around my house.

I hope this blog can be saved. I'd sure want to read this 30-50 years later. I bet it would be fun. I had always remember stuff if my memory can be tickled. To this moment whenever i saw something related to past i'd always start imagine them.

Move on.
Anyone saw Friday Nights Lights (emphasis on Lights), football drama in Texas. Starred Kyle Chandler, Early Edition main actor. They are ok, fun to watch and infact kinda interesting to watch their characther development and how they react differently because of that. The bad thing is there's too much char and those who started watching at middle and not from the start might not understand the plot and might feel less connection on /with the show. Aside that i enjoy the show, cuz i had started from the start.

Well, stopping now. Wonder what i'll write next time.

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